New Website update!

Hey yall! A new update has clearly been released for the website!!!

  1. Cleaned up the first and main page. It now shows the latest posts in a bar on the side which you can click on to either go to the user's profile or to the discussion post itself.
  2. Added tabs to the bar on the top. You can now go to the Servertine Wiki, Tutorial Series page (info below), Email, and a link to the discord!
  3. Video tutorial series page (will be renamed soon) will show all the videos I have made on the system in one area, allowing people who need help to have quick access. It will also show any videos on the system / other modules people have made if it ever happens.
  4. Added in an alerts feature to the website. This allows me to set certain times for popups to show up on the site, send a notification to everyone, send an email to everyone (who has it enabled on their profile), and also messages on the database when I implement that feature there.
  5. Discord linking! You can link your discord account to your profile on the website using the new bot (info below). This will show your discord tag on your profile and any bug reports you submit (info below) so that developers can dm you if they need extra help or to debug.
  6. Discord bot! is run by the website! It's a simple way to get quick info or links to the site. Will add more commands in the future.
  7. Bug Forms! I added support for bug forms which are a more in depth report of the database if it crashes. This isn't in use yet though because the database isn't updated to it tho.
  8. Boot files & version: Once again: not quite implemented yet, but boot files are not stored on the website too, meaning easier access for users to update the system! It also will update the actual boot program itself, which will be nice.